GLOBAL PCS (Personnel Certification Scheme) is an international company based in New York-USA and São Paulo-Brazil dedicated to the CERTIFICATION OF PERSONS with accreditations and registrations from recognized international entities.
GLOBAL PCS is to certifify the competence and professional qualification of the Human Capital required by the Organizations and to make available worldwide CERTIFIED professionals with the highest degree of qualification.
Excellence - Engagement Ethics - Impartiality
Social Responsibility
Productivity and safety depend on efficient and safe PROCESSES and competent and motivated PEOPLE.
Much has been made by companies to CERTIFIED MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, CERTIFY PROCESSES and maintain equipment and facilities. It is not always given the same emphasis on assessing the competence of the persons.
GLOBAL is your partner for CERTIFICATION of your HUMAN CAPITAL, only really scarce factor of production.
GLOBAL and the ISO 17024
GLOBAL promotes Certification of Persons in several Areas of Competence and different regions of the world. Based on this worlwide actuation GLOBAL searches acreditation in ISO 17024 by recognized international entities and complies with all criteria of the standard:
CONFIDENTIALITY: Data related to certification of persons, including results of Exams, are confidential.
IMPARTIALITY: Certification Programs, Exams and selection of Examiners of a Competence Area are defined and approved by the Competence Committee, with participatin of all Interested Parties.
PUBLIC INFORMATION: this site and direct access to the President of GLOBAL assure communication, including related to certified persons.
COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS: The Certification Programs clearly indicate the processes to register and follow complaints and appeals.
ISO 17024:2013 is the standard used by accreditation bodies (ANSI, DAkkS, General Coordination of Accreditation of INMETRO, OAA, EMA, etc ...) to evaluate homogeneously with international transparency, compliance of certifying bodies of people, such as GLOBAL. The international homogeneity of Certification of Persons is given by International Accreditation Forun (IAF), an organization that integrates the accreditation bodies worldwide.
ISO 17024:2012 requires GLOBAL to have documented Management System complying with all specific criteria regarding CONFIDENTIALITY, IMPARTIALITY, INFORMATION SECURITY. When accredited GLOBAL is to be regularly audited by accreditation bodies.
IMPARCIALITY and management of the CONFLICT OF INTEREST are central points requiring GLOBAL to have permanent channels for PUBLIC INFORMATION and to act proactively in case of COMPLAINTS and APPEALS, keeping Stakeholders informed and with direct access to GLOBAL Management.